Monday 30 April 2012

Do you wave back?

Since its near the end of the 'work' day and everyone as that itch of anticipation as they prepare to leap out of there seats and make the freedom run to there cars. My thoughts naturally wonder over to the dark-side of driving and the woes that follow.

This post has nothing to do with the gentleman that I flipped off for committing such a crime. Then he proceeded to follow me to work were we exchange pleasantries and went on our merry way. Not before I mentioned that if I’m driving so dangerously whys your daughter not got a seatbelt on.

The question I ask is how often are you made to give way while driving without receiving so much as a raised finger let alone a wave of thanks. Worst still when your generous enough to get someone past and they look on oblivious to the fact that your there. Let alone if you hadn't stopped the amusement you receive from someone hurling abuse at you from within there car. (Cowards). 

Don't get me wrong I fall into the most dangerous driver category 17 - 24 and I may have to shell out £170 on replacing someone’s door mirror. But I had the manors to pull over and begrudgingly giving my details that I guard so closely away. Surely some manors are in order though.

Joining the Band Wagon

This is in all essence my introduction to the world of blogging and a quick explanation of all things before we get cracking. 

First off since the entire world seems to be emptying there thoughts into the never ending void of the internet I may as well do the same. This will also help most of the useless ramblings of notions that I consider thoughts to escape my brain and be available for the general populous to see.

Secondly my name of Chef probably will be changed at a later date but I couldn't think of anything deep or meaningful to put. There is a sort of poor irony since my cooking skills are poor to average but anyone that is my age (20) basically lives of fried/grilled/instant foods.

Finally, I will apologise for the sorry state of my blog. This is because I'm currently at work and trying to dodge the eyes of various management figures. As time goes on more apologises will happen. I don't like to apologise I just make many mistakes.

There is plenty of stuff that I have missed off here but this is officially my first post so it won't be perfect. 
