Friday 8 June 2012

Holiday = Work Torture

As per my last post the more astute of you will have guessed that I took a week away coupled with the Jubilee weekend (not her birthday) I've had nearly two weeks off work. Now on the surface this sounds great I can hear the millions of people now say lucky you we have worked are fingers to the bone, noses to the grindstone etc.

How did this saying come about seriously?

When I returned to work I remembered why I only have a couple of days of at a time. One of my colleagues had kindly organised my desk in such away to give maximum impact on how much work I have to do. There was six nicely organised piles that resembled the height of Everest. I know this to be true by the large amount of oxygen canisters now residing next to my desk. I've only managed to service for air long enough to write this.

My main point of all of this is that normally you go on holiday and have all the stresses of getting there a week of arguing with friends/family/strangers that think they know better. After all of this when you finally get back to the norm you need another holiday to readjust. Why do we bother? Wouldn't we all be happier if we never went on holiday? Or better still if we never worked and just sat at home drinking beer with a selection of xbox/ps3 games only stopping to download porn. 

I'll let you all decide.......'Stops typing as I start drowning in the ever increasing sea of paper work'

Saturday 2 June 2012

Technology I miss you

The more keen eyed of you may realise that I haven't posted anything in a week. The main reaons for this are:

I was on Holiday.
There wasn't a computer for miles around.
I shut my pride and joy. My smartphone in my car door the day I left in my car door.

This has made me realise how much I miss technology or depend on it. The amount of times I wish I had a computer to even check the weather. For example my phone would have been a Sat Nav, internet, music/radio, entertainment and having all the normal function of a phone. I also missed the television not to mention all the sporting events I would of watch.

There was one saving light which was the fridge which mercifully was constantly stocked with beer.

This was a quick post today because im shattered for the 4 1/2 hour fuel saving driving I had to do.
I'll make sure to give you all an update of my holiday when I have got photos etc. (Somthing else my phone could have been used for)