Saturday 2 June 2012

Technology I miss you

The more keen eyed of you may realise that I haven't posted anything in a week. The main reaons for this are:

I was on Holiday.
There wasn't a computer for miles around.
I shut my pride and joy. My smartphone in my car door the day I left in my car door.

This has made me realise how much I miss technology or depend on it. The amount of times I wish I had a computer to even check the weather. For example my phone would have been a Sat Nav, internet, music/radio, entertainment and having all the normal function of a phone. I also missed the television not to mention all the sporting events I would of watch.

There was one saving light which was the fridge which mercifully was constantly stocked with beer.

This was a quick post today because im shattered for the 4 1/2 hour fuel saving driving I had to do.
I'll make sure to give you all an update of my holiday when I have got photos etc. (Somthing else my phone could have been used for)

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